
To get started with LunarSwap, the first thing you will need is a wallet that supports Binance Smart Chain (BSC). In this case, we recommend Metamask - as Trust wallet already removed their DApp browser for iOS users.

How to install Metamask Extension for Desktop Browser

1) You can click HERE to download Metamask extension for your website browser

2) After the extension is installed, just click "Get Started"

3) Now you can choose to import your current wallet address from other wallets (example: Trust Wallet) with your seedphrase or create a new wallet

4) Change your metamask network to Binance Smart Chain

5) You are ready to join our ecosystem!

How to install Metamask Application on your smartphone

1) You can click Android or iOS to download Metamask application for your phone

2) After the application is installed, open it and click "Get Started"

3) Different from the Browser version, on your mobile app, you can choose to : -Create a new wallet -Import using Secret Recovery Phase -Sync with Metamask Extension

4) Change your metamask network to Binance Smart Chain -Click on the menu on top left -Click Settings and follow the guide here

5) You are ready to join our ecosystem!

Last updated

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